Speeding Tickets in Georgia
Georgia does not assess points for speeds 14 m.p.h over the limit and slower. They assess 2 points for speeds 15-18 m.p.h, 3 points for 19-23 m.p.h, 4 points for 24-33 m.p.h. and 6 points for 34 m.p.h and up. You can also be charged with Reckless Driving for speeds 24 m.p.h and up.
If you have an out of state license, you should consult a local attorney because points will be assessed based on your home state's point schedule even though your citation is from Georgia.
If you pay your citation or are found guilty of driving 75 m.p.h and up on a two lane road, or of driving 85 m.p.h and up on any road you will be deisgnated a "Super Speeder" (http://www.safespeedsgeorgia.org/). This designation carries a $200 state fine in addition to the local city or county fine. If you fail to pay this fine, your privilege to drive in the State of Georgia will be suspended, and this suspension will be reported to your home state through reciprocity.
Some insurance companies view the Super Speeder designation as a form of reckless driving, so your insurance premiums may be adversely effected by this ticket. If you have already paid the county fine without knowing about the Super Speeder penalties, you may seek to have your case re-opened if it is still within 180 days.
If you have recieved a speeding ticket or other moving violation in the State of Georgia do no hesitate to call 229-382-4900 for a free consultation. Often times we are able to negotiate your ticket down to a speed where points do not apply and keep the ticket from being reported to the Georgia Department of Driver Services. This ensures that the ticket will not be reported to any other state agency or to your insurance company.